Illustrations of different classmates

Here’s Your Sign To Create a Group Card for Your Teacher or Professor

Teachers, professors… if you’re lucky, you have one or a few in your life right now that you’re close to and think of as true mentors. And if that’s the case, what’s stopping you from showing your appreciation by celebrating them with a group card and gift?

Is their birthday coming up soon? That’s the perfect occasion. Some other opportunities include New Year’s, Christmas, the end of the school term, or (and we hope this isn’t the case) their retirement. Maybe you don’t need an occasion at all to celebrate someone who deserves to be celebrated. A thank you card can be sent any day of the year! And don’t forget to spice up your card with a cool color theme and a fun GIF. (Fun tip: Personally, we love the “Classic,” “Retro,” and “Mother Nature” themes for teacher cards, since they’re calming and easy on the eyes.)

Illustrations of different classmates

Teachers and professors often view their work as a calling. They don’t seek the spotlight—they’d rather make a difference in their students’ lives. So don’t stop at just a group card; let your teacher or professors know their impact even more with a group gift card from Kudoboard.

You can’t go wrong with a gift card. AND you can’t go wrong with a safe bet like Amazon or Best buy. The group can even treat them to a meal with a gift card to their favorite (or your favorite) restaurant.

All that being said, here’s the bottom line: no matter what you get for your teacher or professor, or even if you don’t get them a gift and just write a card, they’ll be grateful regardless! It’s the thought that counts, after all.

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And get the whole class involved in celebrating your teacher or professor.

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