Goodbye handwritten against white background

Why a Good Farewell Message Matters

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    You just sat down to your favorite rom-com. After watching the couple fall in love, something is forcing them to say goodbye. Through their tear-stained eyes, one of them says, “It’s not goodbye; it’s see you later.” 

    While this line is a tad cliché, it is popular for a reason. Saying farewell to someone or something that played a role in your life brings with it feelings of finality. The emotions that come with saying goodbye are some of the most challenging feelings to process because they are complex and messy. 

    There is a reason some of the most popular songs are break-up songs or songs about saying farewell to someone or something. These songs help you feel and work through your feelings to eventually reach closure. Much like listening to a somber song or turning on your favorite sad movie can help you heal, a good farewell card message plays an important role in accepting and moving on. 

    What is a Farewell Message?

    A farewell message is an exchange of words between individuals during a departure due to a job change, a move, or other life transition. Typically, the message focuses on expressing gratitude, appreciation, and best wishes. It serves as an opportunity to honor a person’s work and relationship with an organization or person. 

    Because every relationship is unique, a farewell message will be also highly personalized. Some of the themes you will commonly find in a farewell message are: 

    • Funny
    • Appreciative and Praising
    • Short, but sweet

    Whatever the theme, the purpose of a farewell message is to note the individual’s contributions and impacts on your experience. Did their attitude make work more enjoyable? Did they help you through a tough time? Whatever it is, your farewell message will make the goodbye easier. 

    Why Do Farewell Messages Matter?

    While a good song can do wonders to help you process your feelings, without actually telling someone what you appreciate about them or simply saying goodbye, you will find it hard to gain closure. The last thing you want is to spend the next few months laying on your bed, tears falling, as you listen to your favorite goodbye song. 

    Yes, saying farewell can be messy, awkward, and challenging. However, there are clear benefits to a good farewell message. Here are some of those benefits:

    Farewell Messages Can Shape How We Remember Someone

    There is something cathartic about writing out the impact someone has had on our lives. You may find greater insight into the relationship as you write out a goodbye message. Physically, writing out an “ending” will finalize your perception of someone. 

    Additionally, if you are able to exchange feelings of gratitude and best wishes, the experience you had with someone will end on a positive note, therefore positively impacting your final perception of the relationship. 

    Person waving goodbye to child at door

    A Proper Goodbye Can Assist in a Constructive Transition

    An article from the American Psychological Association titled “Saying Goodbye and Saying it Well” discusses the importance of a well-rounded ending. 

    A well-rounded ending is “an ending marked by a sense of closure. Specifically, people should describe an ending as well-rounded if they feel that they have done everything they could have done, that they have completed something to the fullest, and that all loose ends are tied up.”

    A well-rounded ending is one with closure. The article also states that research showed that ending a phase in a well-rounded way promotes positivity “and constructive transition.” Additionally, making efforts to end a previous phase promotes a good start, making how you handle endings “as important as focusing on creating a good start.”

    Therefore, a farewell message can make the transition to subsequent phases easier. The closure provided by focusing on a goodbye will allow you to find a resolution. Saying farewell will make moving forward easier for you and the other person. 

    Farewell Messages leave Doors Open

    Whether professionally or personally, a well-thought-out farewell message will open doors to future opportunities. 

    In a personal setting, leaving the relationship with a positive impression will allow for the relationship to continue. Even if distance divides you, the person going can be a vital future asset. Whether it is to ask for advice on something or a friend in the wings for when your paths cross again, departing with closure can keep the door open to whatever possibilities arise in your relationship. 

    In a professional setting, saying goodbye to a co-worker can leave both parties with positive feelings toward each other. Things within the workplace will inevitably change. Keeping a relationship with a colleague positive builds professional connections you may benefit from in the future. Whether through mentorship, recommendations or simply expanding your professional network, you can continue to benefit from each other as former co-workers. 

    A good farewell message can cultivate a relationship where both parties will be willing to come together again if or when the opportunity arises.

    A Farewell Message Boosts Confidence

    Change is scary. Even if the opportunity is something exciting for them, altering routines, locations, and relationships is uncomfortable. Chances are, through these changes, they will feel insecure as they learn to navigate their adapting world. 

    A farewell message expressing appreciation and confidence in who they are can be just the reminder they need to overcome the challenges they face. A goodbye message can remind them of their best attributes as they seek to develop new relationships. 

    Farewell Messages show Gratitude and Appreciation

    Every colleague or relationship you have impacts on your life in some way. Honoring the ways they had a positive effect shows them that they mattered. It brings validity to the relationship no matter the depth of the bonds. 

    Leaving someone with a message describing the good things you enjoyed and the memories you had with them is something anyone can benefit from. There’s no better way for you both to move forward than knowing the differences you made in each other’s lives, even if it was in a small way.

    What Happens When We Don’t Say Farewell?

    Very few people like saying goodbye. It is hard to grapple with the finality of it. Because of this, it can be tempting to ignore it and not say goodbye. However, it is vital that you face the ending head-on, or you might find yourself with some adverse side effects. 

    What happens when you avoid saying goodbye? The most significant impact of avoiding a farewell is that you risk finding a resolution. It can be difficult to resolve the emotions associated with the departure without recognizing the change. Leaving without saying goodbye can leave you feeling guilt, regret, grief, sadness, remorse, and anger. You may also feel like the thing is unfinished or without closure.  

    Another way that not saying farewell impacts us is how we feel about the relationship. If the departure is never addressed, it can make it feel like the relationship never happened. Without an exchange of words, we may wonder if the friend ever really cared about us. It leaves the relationship hanging without a concrete understanding of what the relationship looks like moving forward. 

    Person writing in notebook using pen

    How to Write a Farewell Message

    While quoting the lyrics of your favorite goodbye song may seem like the makings of a perfect farewell message, it probably won’t provide the closure you are looking for by writing the message. To maximize the benefits of you goodbye message, you should aim to personalize it. 

    Even though writing out a personalized note might seem intimidating, once you get started, it is relatively simple. Here are some tips on writing a farewell message:

    • Decide on the tone of your message: Your relationship with the person will impact what style of message you write. The type of message you write to a friend will vary significantly from what is said to a coworker or your boss. Therefore, you will need to decide on the tone of your message. Will it be funny? Professional? Heartfelt?
    • Give specific examples: While a generalized message can be meaningful, use particular examples for your goodbye message. By sharing specific experiences and memories, the message will be more genuine. Consider including a time they helped you through something hard, the memories you shared, or the important lessons they taught you.
    • Stay positive: Saying goodbye isn’t easy. Whatever your feelings towards the person and them leaving, it is essential to keep things positive.  Highlight the good and express excitement for their future opportunities. Keeping things encouraging will make your goodbye an uplifting experience for both parties.
    • Show appreciation for them: A farewell message is a perfect opportunity to tell the person how much you value them. Use the message as an opportunity to honor their contributions and the impact they had on you. A farewell message can also be a chance to share memories with them that you value.  Ask yourself these questions: What did they do for you? How did they help you? What impact did they have on your life? 
    • Express Well Wishes: Wishing them luck in their future endeavors is always a good idea. These well wishes don’t need to be long and can be as simple as saying “wishing you all the best.” 

    Examples of a Good Farewell Message

    While making your farewell message unique and personal is important, sometimes it can still be difficult to know where to begin, even with tips. Especially when you have known someone for a long time, vocalizing how you feel about someone can feel impossible.

    In order to help get you started, her are some examples of a good farewell message:

    Farewell Messages for a Friend

    • “I am thrilled about your new opportunity. You will do great things, but I will miss you.”
    • “Promise not to let the distance get between us. Farewell friend.”
    • “Thank you for being my partner in crime. I will miss having someone to join me in my adventures.”
    • “I feel proud to be your best friend. I wish you never had to go, but I hope you will return soon!”
    • “My heart refuses to say goodbye. I will always cherish our memories together. Goodbye!”

    Farewell Messages for a Coworker

    • “It was a pleasure getting to know, working with, and learning from you. My skills have been enhanced under your guidance. Good luck in the future.”
    • “I am positive that you will be great at your new job as well. Let me know if I can help you with anything in the future. Good luck in your future endeavors.” 
    • “I am sorry to see you go and hope that we will meet again. All the best for your future endeavors.”
    • “It has been great working with you over these past few years. I wish you continued success and in what’s next.”
    • “I am so pleased to hear about your new opportunity, but I am sad to lose you from the team. Wishing you all the best in your new chapter.”
    • “Thank you for being an awesome colleague and for always having a positive attitude. I hope your new opportunity is met with great success.”

    Farewell Messages for Someone Retiring

    • “You might think that life’s greatest battles were in the boardroom. But really, when you retire and spend a lot of time at home, you will realize that the real battle begins in the kitchen.”
    • “After retirement, the body ages, the heart becomes hazy, but the mind becomes younger. Congratulations, you are officially resting.”
    • “You welcomed me with a smile when I first entered this office. Since then, you have been my cheering squad, mentor, and friend. Thank you for all of the encouragement and support. Have a joyous retirement.”
    • “May your retirement life be as remarkable as your efforts in mentoring me have been. Best wishes!”
    • “If I met you for the first time today, I would not be able to tell that you are retiring. I admire your zeal for the job and in mentoring those around you. I hope you will spend that enthusiasm on things you love to do. Happy retirement.”

    Goodbye Quotes for a Farewell Message

    • “Goodbye always makes my throat hurt.” -Charlie Brown
    • “Man’s feelings are always purest and most glowing in the hour of meeting and of farewell.” —Jean Paul Richter
    • “To exist is to change, to change is to mature, to mature is to go on creating oneself endlessly.” – Henri Bergson
    • “When one door of happiness closes, another opens; but often we look so long at the closed door that we do not see the one which has been opened for us.” – Helen Keller
    • “We all take different paths in life, but no matter where we go, we take a little of each other everywhere.” -Tim McGraw

    Funny Farewell Messages

    • “We all came together to get you this card because, well, it’s all we could afford.”
    • “Please don’t move away. I need you to blame my antics on.”
    • “We can’t hold you back anymore. We really tried, but you outsmarted us.”
    • “This place will fall apart without you *part of the ceiling collapses*.”
    • “I assume your office/room is up for grabs now?”

    Short and Sweet Messages

    • “Good luck on your next adventure.”
    • “You’re Leaving? Can I come too?”
    • “Although you’re starting a new chapter, promise not to forget us.”
    • “I’m sorry to see you go, and I hope we will meet again.”
    • “It was so great to work with you. I will miss you greatly. Good luck on your next step.”
    • “Congratulations on your new role. Thank you for all of the good times. You will be missed.”

    Ways to Give Someone a Farewell Message

    Once you’ve written the perfect message to honor your friend or colleague’s hard work and friendship, how do you give it to them? The simple answer is however you want. It doesn’t have to be a formal affair. It can be as simple as meeting up and telling them, or it can be an elaborate memory book. It is entirely up to you. 

    Here are some ideas on ways you can send a farewell message to someone:

    1. An online group farewell card: Like the traditional paper greeting card you can find at your local grocery store, an online farewell card is a centralized place to put all your messages.

    Unlike the traditional card, an online group farewell card makes passing the card around simpler. Online group farewell cards, like Kudoboard, are an easy way to compile and send your farewell message to the recipient. Instead of passing a goodbye card around the office, a Kudoboard is easily sent via email, allowing anyone to sign at their convenience. 

    Farewell Kudoboard full of posts and messages
    1. Goodbye email: A farewell email can be a convenient way to give someone a farewell message. The benefit of an email is that both parties can create a farewell dialogue that is not limited to space and is stored digitally.
    2. As part of a gift: A farewell gift can be a great way to show how much someone means to you or your organization. It can also be a small gesture to show your support for their new adventure, especially if the gift helps them as they transition. If you are giving a gift, a farewell message can easily complement it. 
    3. During a farewell party: Whether it is displaying messages on a poster, slideshow, farewell video, or having an open mic, a farewell party can be the perfect vehicle to share goodbye messages. 
    4. Social media shout-out: Because most everyone has social media, a shout-out on your choice of platform can be a public way to share your goodbye message. By putting your message on social media, you can open the conversation for others to contribute their sentiments. 

    Whatever way you decide to give your farewell wishes, be sure the method is suitable for the person. In other words, if the person is more private, tailor your delivery in a way they feel comfortable. Knowing how the recipient would best receive the remarks will ensure the message is fully appreciated and everyone is comfortable. 

    Endings Deserve Respect

    Saying goodbye is uncomfortable; it’s awkward and vulnerable. While it may be tempting to simply ignore the change, saying farewell plays a vital role in how we process an ending. According to Jo-Ann Finkelstein, Ph.D., “Our endings deserve the same ritual respect we give our beginning, [because] the most painful goodbyes are the ones never processed.”

    A good farewell message can be just the thing to help you process the departure of someone who impacted your life. No matter how messy or awkward the message may feel, a sincere attempt at saying goodbye matters. So, instead of refusing to say goodbye like our favorite rom-com, respect your relationship and find the courage to send a good farewell message. 

    Create the best place for farewell messages from the heart

    Get a custom group goodbye board to show your respect and appreciation

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