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How to Write a Farewell Message to Coworkers

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     We all know the excitement of welcoming a new co-worker to the fold. The process for doing so is simple and uncomplicated. We simply say hello, introduce ourselves, and welcome them to the team. It is simple because no relationship has been established yet. We spend a large portion of our lives at our workplace. In fact, according to Gettysburg College, we spend a third of our life at work. Stop and take a minute to really process that. One-third of your life is spent at work with your co-workers. During that time we build strong relationships with our colleagues. When it is time for some of those colleagues to leave, or when it is time for us to leave our workplace, it can be difficult to find the words. Let’s dive into how to write a farewell message to coworkers. 

    The Importance of a Farewell  

    A proper farewell message is a great way to gain closure in a working relationship. You have spent countless hours with your co-workers and have formed meaningful relationships with them. It would not feel natural for that relationship to just suddenly be over without a proper send-off. 

     It is also important to acknowledge that everyone likes to feel appreciated for the role they have played in the workplace as they take on their new job. It is human nature to want to be recognized for your hard work and for your specific contribution to the workplace in both the job itself and the culture of the company. 

     A proper farewell is also a great way to maintain great working, professional relationships. Although someone is leaving the company, there may still be ways for you to work together. Pooling resources, asking for advice, and sharing contacts are all ways you can continue to work together. Future networking is also worth considering. If either one of you is ever looking to move companies in the future, a goodbye message is always a great way to maintain a good network to reach out to. 

     Lastly, at its core, a goodbye message is a professional courtesy. Both from the person leaving and from their coworker. There are some things we do to just be polite and professional. Writing a good farewell message is certainly one of them. 

    Tips for Saying Goodbye

    When crafting a farewell message to coworkers, there are some basic tips that will help you in the process. It isn’t easy to know what to say or what is appropriate, so here are some tips that will help you through the process. 

    • Exchange phone numbers and personal email. Just because you no longer work together does not mean that you cannot stay in touch. If you have enjoyed working with a departing colleague and have gotten to know them on a personal level, stay in touch! You can start getting together socially. It is also a good idea to build a professional network of people for your future career endeavors. 
    • Use a positive attitude and be uplifting. This is certainly not the time to hash out old grudges. Simply wish someone well and let them know how they have positively impacted you or the workplace in general. 
    • Express gratitude. This is a great time to let the person know what you appreciate from them as a co-worker and as a friend. It could be for their positive attitude, or willingness to help out a colleague in need. 
    • There is no need to write the departing colleague a long and wordy farewell message. Keep it short and meaningful. A short goodbye message is ideal. 
    • Personalize it to the person who is leaving. Avoid sending template messages.  

    Methods for a Farewell Message

    There are many ways to send a farewell message to a coworker. You can use one or multiple methods. They are all a great way to express your gratitude and well wishes. 

    1. Kudoboard Group ECard

    Have your team or your company create a Kudoboard group ecard to wish your co-worker farewell. Everyone can contribute to the card in their own personal way. It will then be sent to the colleague and they will always have access to it. It is easy to use and convenient for everyone. 

    1. Email

    Email is definitely an easy way to shoot your coworker a message. Keep in mind that a goodbye email will need to be sent before they officially depart, as their work email will most likely be deactivated upon their departure. 

    A goodbye email is also a great method for sending a farewell message if you are the one departing. You can send one message to the whole company, your team, or to an individual coworker.  

    1. Card

    A good, old-fashioned greeting card is another great option for a farewell message. You can get one card and have the whole company sign it. You could also just personalize a card with a message from you individually. They have the added bonus of being fun to browse and pick out. 

    Gift box with a
    1. Gifts

    Who doesn’t love a gift? Have the whole team pitch in to get the departing colleague a group gift. It is also appropriate to give them a small gift from yourself. Remember to keep it professional and stay away from elaborate or overly expensive gifts. Staying professional is always important to maintain an appropriate working relationship. 

    1. Throw a Party

    Farewell parties are so fun and an excellent way to show your appreciation for the departing co-workers’ contributions to the team and company. Have a fun banner made and surprise them during lunch. You can cater a team lunch, or just provide a small treat. They can be presented with any cards and gifts at the party. Anyone would love to feel celebrated. Send your co-workers out in style with a fun farewell party. 

    20 Farewell Messages

    10 Messages to send a departing co-worker

    1. I have learned so much working with you through the years. Thank you for being such a great team player and for your willingness to help me when I was new! 
    2. Congratulations on the new job. You are going to do amazing things in your career to come. I can’t wait to follow your success. 
    3. There are big shoes to fill around here now. You have been invaluable to our company and I have no doubt you will be at your new endeavor! 
    4. Thank you for always bringing a positive attitude to work. You have always lightened the mood around here with your funny stories and jokes. You will be missed! 
    5. Thank you for being the first person to make me feel welcome here when I first joined. I will keep that in mind as I welcome our new employees. Good luck with your next adventure! 
    6. Thank you for always encouraging me to learn and grow within this job. I will miss your daily guidance. Don’t be surprised if you hear from me still in your new position!
    7. Good Luck in your new position. I’m happy for you and wish you all the best.
    8. I am thrilled for you and your new adventure, but truly disappointed for our team to lose you. Have so much fun on your next journey. I know you will do great things. 
    9. Working with you has truly been a highlight of my career. I have loved learning from you and developing a friendship over the years. I hope your new company knows how lucky they are to have you. Best of luck on your future endeavors! 
    10. I know that we didn’t always agree in our meetings, but you have been an awesome colleague and I will miss having someone challenge me and my way of thinking. I am truly better at my job because of you. Keep pushing the limits and introducing your unique perspective. You are going to do great and we will miss you here! 
    11. 10 Messages to send coworkers when you are leaving  
    12. I have enjoyed every moment of my tenure here at this company. Thank you all for making this an incredible experience. I will miss my time here and most of all, the incredible people and culture. Here is to your continued success! 
    13. As I embark on the next chapter of my career, I am certainly sad to close this chapter and leave it behind. I truly appreciate my time here and have nothing but the fondest memories to take with me.
    14. I have had the honor of getting to know this team for the last 10 years. I would never have achieved any success without each and every one of you. Thank you for being the best team out there. I hope I find a team half as wonderful as you moving forward. Best wishes. 
    15. Although I am excited about my next adventure in my career, I am certainly sad to leave this company and my team behind. I have had an incredible experience here and will miss each and every one of you. 
    16. When I began my career here 5 years ago, I never could have imagined the growth this company would provide for my career. I have been pushed by my team in all the best ways to become better each day at my job and I will carry those lessons with me on to my next chapter. Thank you for this incredible experience. 
    17. Thank you for always helping me feel like an integral part of this team. The sense of belonging I have always felt here has not gone unnoticed. I will bring that with me as I seek to include others in my future endeavors.
    18. I will always remember the safe space this company has created for expressing new ideas and thoughts. I have always felt free to express my opinions and that is invaluable in today’s workplace. As I take on a new leadership role at my new company, I will be working to instill that in their culture as well. Thank you. 
    19. I am really going to miss all of the holiday parties and brown bag lunch meetings. I have enjoyed getting to know all of you outside of work, and I hope to stay in touch. Please do not hesitate to reach out in the future. I consider you all my dear friends and that will not be changing. Best wishes on all your future endeavors. 
    20. I am excited to embark on the next step of my career, but I know I would not feel so ready if it weren’t for the lessons I have learned here. I am so appreciative of the knowledge I have gained from each and every one of you. 
    21. What a team, what an experience. Thank you to each and every one of you for the knowledge, support, and professionalism you have extended to me throughout my tenure here. I will carry these memories with me forever. Best wishes to you all. 
    22.  Until We Meet Again
    23. Writing a farewell message to coworkers does not have to be sad or overwhelming. Focus on all of the positive attributes of your departing coworker and express that to them. Do the same for coworkers if you are the one leaving. Whether it is an ecard, a goodbye email, a party, or a greeting card, keep it heartfelt, short, and simple. Farewell messages are a great way to maintain relationships after you are no longer coworkers and will pay dividends in the future. Send your coworkers off in style and write an awesome farewell message using the tips above. 

    About the author:

    Ashley Gould's Profile Picture
    Ashley Gould
    Content Author and Celebration Expert
    Ashley Gould is a freelance writer and celebration expert with a deep background in education and writing for the web. She believes in her work's ability to help others celebrate the moments that matter by connecting them through digital experiences.

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