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Introducing the 2024 Employee Happiness Trends in the US Report

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    At Kudoboard, employee happiness is our reason for being, and we’re driven to help everyone celebrate the moments that matter. From employees at Fortune-500 companies to small teams at cutting-edge startups, our employee appreciation platform brings the power of gratitude into the workplace by enabling employees to celebrate occasions and recognize hard work

    By bringing people together, our platform generates value for organizations at scale. Through simple, accessible boards, we empower enterprises to motivate employees, engage teams, and retain top-tier talent. This ultimately has rippling impacts throughout their bottom line.

    We’re invested in helping organizations grow through appreciation, and data is our key. Because our product reaches so many in the workplace, we have unique insight into the minds of employees across America. We know how they’re feeling, what they want, and (most importantly) what makes them happy.

    We’ve put this data, alongside other current industry research, into an annual report to help enterprises stay ahead of the curve. Through our expert analysis and predictions for the future, enterprises can adapt and evolve in 2024 to improve morale and avoid regrettable attrition

    Re-engage your employees with our expert insights

    Get the full story with our 2024 Employee Happiness Trends in the US Report

    Introducing the 2024 Employee Happiness Trends in the US Report

    Launched in January, the 2024 Employee Happiness Trends in the US report gathers proprietary data and third-party research to examine the state of the industry. The report also forecasts future trends in the ever-evolving world of workplace satisfaction.

    Cover of the 2024 Employee Happiness Trends in the US

    Leveraging our platform, we conducted research on employee happiness through a survey of 591 verified employees working across Fortune 500 companies in the United States. For a closer look, we also gathered candid testimonials and responses from Kudoboard platform users.

    The result was a report that demonstrated a clear need for cultures of appreciation in the workplace. How people work is changing, and how they feel about work is changing as well.

    A Dramatic Shift in the Landscape of Work

    Work arrangements between employees and employers are still in flux. While many are returning to work in office, others are settling into hybrid and remote lifestyles for the long haul. If 2023 saw a return to the norm in terms of work arrangements, it’s definitely a “new normal.”

    Those working in the office must now navigate collaboration and engagement in a changed environment. Many organizations have lost the connections to culture that keep employees invested—and happy. There’s clearly a need to rebuild these bridges between staff and leadership.

    But flexible work is also here to stay, and comes with its own set of complexities. Hybrid and remote work has reshaped how employees bond with their colleagues and experience a sense of belonging. There are no more birthday parties, in-person high fives, or work anniversary celebrations in a virtual world to keep them connected to the org and its values.

    Page 8 of the Employee Happiness Report with metrics on challenges in the workplace

    These societal shifts create a dramatically new employee landscape for enterprises across the US, transforming the office as they know it–forever. 

    The State of Employee Happiness in the US

    Given the shifts in the working environment, it’s not surprising that employee happiness has seen changes as well. Our data examination shows a discernible decline in employee happiness, compounded by issues such as burnout and stress. 

    At its core, employee happiness deals with the psychological and emotional well-being of individuals within their work environment. It’s the culmination of their overall satisfaction, feelings of connection, and belief in the mission and values of the organization.

    When employees feel isolated, disengaged, or fatigued, they experience decreases in motivation and overall satisfaction. Overarchingly, this limits their effectiveness in the workplace. 

    An unsatisfied workforce can lead to diminished productivity, communication impediments, and an increased risk of employee turnover, presenting formidable challenges for enterprises. To solve, they need to know what employees need and value.

    Understanding Employee Desires

    Overwhelmingly, employees want to feel connected to their organization and appreciated for their work. Their aspirations go beyond monetary compensation and fringe benefits; they want a sense of belonging, authentic connections, and a culture that prioritizes their happiness.

    Page 11 of the Employee Happiness Report with data on employee wants in workplace

    The data shows that when employees feel valued, their happiness and productivity levels improve as a result. Employee recognition and appreciation cultures in the workplace keep them connected— and keep them happy.

    Unfortunately, they overwhelmingly believe that organizations undervalue the importance of gratitude and appreciation in the workplace. Oftentimes, employee appreciation and recognition isn’t given, and performance suffers as a result.

    How are Enterprises Rising to Meet the Occasion?

    Many organizations are onboarding appreciation platforms like Kudoboard to create connections between employees and fuel cultures of gratitude. These tools replace paper cards passed around the office and empower employees to celebrate occasions, appreciate teamwork, and recognize winds.

    Page 22 of the Employee happiness report about increases in team appreciation and engagement

    When used in the workplace, surveyed employees overwhelmingly found Kudoboard to have an impact on culture. Whether working in the office or remote, they saw positive changes in team appreciation, employee engagement, and productivity. 

    While employee happiness is down, the overall message is clear. When organizations have strong cultures, they tend to see strong results. The hardest part is getting started.

    Evolve your approach with our expert insights

    Read our 2024 Employee Happiness Trends in the US Report and revitalize your team

    About the author:

    Ty Davidson's Profile Picture
    Ty Davidson
    Director of Content
    Ty creates engaging content to help people and businesses celebrate the moments that matter. Whether offering helpful messages or deep human resources expertise, his works bring coworkers, families, and friends closer through the power of group cards and employee recognition software.

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